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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Public Exam Results Days

A Level Results Day is Thursday 18th August; GCSE Results Day is Thursday 25th August.

GCE Results Day Arrangements: Thursday 18th August 8.30-10.00 am

This year our A Level results day will take place on Thursday 18th August, 8.30-10am.

We want to celebrate with our students and be able to congratulate them face to face on their achievements and so would like to invite them in to school to collect their results. Students will be able to come on site between 8.30-10.00am to collect their results.

Results will be handed out in the Hall and access to this will be via the school back gate and then through the gate by E21.  Once there, walk through the Gym to the Hall. You will not be able to access any other areas of the school due to building works on site.

The options students have to receive their results are as follows:

  • In person
  • By email – an email request must be sent by the student to Mrs Baker at by 11th August requesting results electronically
  • Nominate someone to collect results - an email must be sent to Mrs Baker by (date) informing that this is to be the case and providing the name of the person. On the day the nominated person must have some identification on them.

Following the A level results being released on Thursday 18 August, if students need further guidance and support with regards to entry to university or the clearing process, Mrs Norman and Miss Bevan will be available onsite in the Hall to meet with students who have UCAS concerns on results day. There will be a drop-in service available with Miss Bevan in Hall / Sixth Form Centre where students can receive advice on their next steps options.

On results day there may be the possibility that some students and parents are concerned about their results.  To help with this full information regarding any possible action that can be taken with regard to reviews and access to copies of scripts can be found under the Exam section on the school website.

Certificates will be issued by the Boards towards the end of the year and further information regarding their collection/dispatch will be sent out nearer the time.

We really look forward to seeing your child on 18th August but if you have any questions or queries at this stage, please do not hesitate to get in touch

Mr A Elstone, Deputy Head, Curriculum 

GCSE Results Day Arrangements: Thursday 25th August 9.00-11.00 am

This year our GCSE results day will take place on Thursday 25th August, 9.00-11.00am

We want to celebrate with our students and be able to congratulate them face to face on their achievements and so would like to invite them in to school to collect their results. Students will be able to come on site between 9am and 10am to collect their results. 

Results will be handed out in the Hall and access to this will be via the school back gate and then through the gate by E21. Once there, walk through the Gym to the Hall. You will not be able to access any other areas of the school due to building works on site.

The options students have to receive their results are as follows:

  • In person
  • By email – an email request must be sent by the student to Mrs Baker at by 18th August requesting results electronically
  • Nominate someone to collect results - an email must be sent to Mrs Baker by (date) informing that this is to be the case and providing the name of the person. On the day the nominated person must have some identification on them.

Please note: we shall endeavour to get the email results out to students as soon as possible after the initial result release, but please do not chase before noon if you haven’t had them.

When students receive their results envelopes, there will be a letter enclosed indicating whether they have been awarded a place at CHSG Sixth Form.  If all the option choices remain the same then they should tick, sign and gain a confirmation signature from a member of the Senior Leadership Team to secure their place.  If a student wishes to take up their place with us but has decided to change their subjects, they just need to indicate their new subject choices and speak to a member of the Sixth Form Team, who will in attendance.  However, should your child not have secured a place in our Sixth Form we will have staff on site should she need some advice on the next steps.

On results day there may be the possibility that some students and parents are concerned about their results. To help with this, full information regarding any possible action that can be taken with regard to reviews and access to copies of scripts can be found under the Exam section on the school website.

Certificates will be issued by the Boards towards the end of the year and further information regarding their collection/dispatch will be sent out nearer the time.

We really look forward to seeing your child on 25th August but if you have any questions or queries at this stage, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mr A Elstone, Deputy Head, Curriculum