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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Biology A Level KS5

What will students study in Biology this year? (Exam Board: AQA)

In the first year, students will study: Biological molecules, cells, how organisms exchange substance with their environment and genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms.

In the second year students will build on the content taught in the first year. Students will study Energy transfers in and between organisms, organisms response to changes in their internal and external environments, genetics, populations, evolutions and ecosystems and the control of gene expression.

There is a large practical component to A Level Biology and students will complete regular practical work throughout the course where their ability to follow complex instructions, risk assess, analyse, evaluate and research will be greatly enhanced.

What are the major assessments this year?

Students will sit in-school exams at the end of each term, as well less formal ongoing assessments within lessons.

External exams (A Level exams) will be sat at the end of the year 13 in the Summer Term

What do assessments test?

The in-school assessments will assess the content that has been taught up till that point in the course.

The Final exams consist of three separate exams

  • Paper 1 assesses content taught in the first year
  • Paper 2 assess content taught in the second year
  • Paper 3 assess content from both years

What are the expectations of my child in A Level Biology?

All students are expected to attend all lessons and complete all class work and homework to a good standard. If a student misses school for any reason they will be expected to catch up with any work missed. Students are expected to spend 10 hours a fortnight working outside of lessons: revising previous content, practising past papers, and reading around the subject

What should students do if they are struggling in Biology?

If students are struggling with the course they can speak to their class teachers or speak to Mrs McCready, Director of Science. Regular completing of past paper questions, available to download on the AQA website, will allow your child to practice answering exam questions and build confidence.

How can I best support my child in Biology?

You can support your child throughout the course by encouraging them to complete all work to a good standard and on time. Asking your child questions from their work will also help them to be able to recall definitions, key concepts and equations. Show an interest in what they are studying at school and encourage them to talk about what they have been learning.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

If you would like any further advice or information please contact Mr Kart,  Director of Science (Biology)