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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls


What will students study in PE this year?

Students will develop and refine practical isolated skills and will learn how to apply them effectively in a broad range of physical activity. They will learn rules, regulations, strategies, and tactics and develop their understanding of how to perform these in a competitive situation. They will learn how to evaluate others to help them improve skills and performances.

Students will learn the benefits from taking part in exercise/physical activity and will learn the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle. Students will be provided with the opportunities to participate in sports outside the classroom and hopefully continue this out of school and in later life.

Year 7: Baseline testing, Gymnastics, Games 1- Handball, Basketball or Netball, Games 2- Football or Hockey, Athletics and Cricket.

Year 8: Netball, Games- Handball, Basketball, Football or Hockey, Net sports- Badminton or Volleyball, Athletics and Tennis.

Year 9: Trampolining, Fitness, Games- Handball, Basketball, Football or Hockey, Net sports- Badminton or Volleyball, Athletics and Rounders.

Each topic has a workbook attached to it with knowledge organisers that pupils will find useful to help with their learning overall.

What are the major assessments this year?

At the beginning of each topic, pupils will be asked to complete a small initial assessment to understand their knowledge of a topic to aid teacher planning. At the end of each unit of work students will be assessed on their performance of physical skills in isolated practices and their application of skills in a competitive situation. Students will re-complete the initial assessment to assess learning from each unit.

What do assessments test?

Practical assessments will test pupils’ skills in both isolated practices and competitive situations. The written assessment will test pupils’ knowledge on rules, regulations, or tactics.

What are the expectations of my daughter in PE?

Pupils should turn up to their lessons with their full correct PE kit every lesson, including the topics workbook. They need to have a positive attitude towards learning and participate to the best of their ability every lesson. They should come with energy and enthusiasm for learning in PE. Pupils are also expected to review the knowledge organisers in their booklets and complete all homework to the best of their ability.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in PE?

In the first instance, please ask your child to talk to their PE teacher about how we can support them further and offer them targeted advice and ways to help. They may suggest extra resources to aid their work.

How can I best support my daughter in PE?

Ensure your child has the correct PE kit and that they bring their kit to every PE lesson. In the instance that students are not able to take part in the practical aspect of the lesson, parents must give students a note to give to their PE teacher explaining why, but they must still bring in their correct PE kit to be involved in other ways, for example, umpiring.

Encourage your child to attend a wide range of co-curricular sporting clubs after school.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

Please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.