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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Rotary Youth Leadership

Sith Form students had the opportunity to take part in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). RYLA participants are nominated by local Rotary clubs.

At their recent event...

We started off right away with team activities such as People Bingo so we could get to know everyone. People Bingo was us asking questions to each other like ‘Who has a birthday in January?’ which meant we got to know each other quickly. 

The whole week challenged our teamwork skills which made us become more comfortable with each other. 

On Monday, we overcame fears of heights on the climbing wall. Tuesday was a day of new experiences which consisted of raft building and kayaking in the intense sun. It was a wonderful time with laughter and games.

The hardest part was doing the 10-mile hike where we planned the route around Box Hill and High Ashurst, completing activities on the way. We ran a Gala evening for the Rotarians and staff where we all took on roles: cleaners, servers and tour guides.

It was a challenging experience, most of us had not been to a Gala before, but we ran a great evening for our guests. Due to Covid we were not allowed to go to the theatre on Thursday so the theatre came to us! We saw A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream which was really atmospheric with the staging and audience participation.
On Friday, we found out that we had won the Golden Boot for scoring the most points doing all the activities!

RYLA was an amazing experience. I grew as a person and learned the value of teamwork

Caterina G, Year 13