Attendance & Punctuality
The school places huge importance on ensuring students attend regularly and arrive on time. There is clear evidence from research that poor levels of attendance have a negative impact on student achievement.
Parents and carers are requested to notify the school of any absence every day and to send a note of explanation to the Form Tutor on the student’s return. The school will then decide whether the absence is authorised or not. Students must copy up any work they have missed.
To report absence, we ask parents and carers to use their Class Charts app.
There is a procedure for absence calling when parents do not notify the school of an absence. Parents will be contacted by phone or text to confirm that their daughter is absent.
Students are expected to arrive at registration and lessons on time. The bell marks the beginning of a session and there are warning bells to inform students they should move to registration in the morning, at the end of lunchtime and at the end of break. A 5-minute late bell is rung after registration, at the beginning of periods 2, 4 and 5. Students must be in lessons before the late bell rings.
Students who arrive late should report to the Late Room and complete the Late Book. Failure to do so will result in their being marked absent. Detentions will be issued for late arrival to school: 30 minutes that day after school, unless a parent calls to explain an extenuating reason for the lateness.
The school regularly rewards students for good attendance and punctuality.
Persistent Lateness to School
Punctuality at school is crucial to creating a calm and purposeful atmosphere and students who are persistently late often disrupt their own and others’ learning. A late mark will be recorded for students who have a late verified by parents. However, they will not receive a 30 minutes detention for this.
Mrs P Mellish |
Attendance Officer | |