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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Sixth Form Teaming Building

On Tuesday 14th September Sixth Form students took part in a teambuilding day. 

The event should have taken place outside but due to the dreadful weather it took place in the Sports Hall.

We realise that for students starting Sixth Form the most crucial element is meeting new people.

Making new contacts can be tough, particularly when coming in from different schools and having gone through two lockdowns in their education. Our Team Building Day was the perfect ice-breaker, which brought the students and staff together whilst working in teams. It was a really successful day- despite the weather!

This team building event helped me engage with the Year 12 students which was a unique experience. I have developed my skills speaking to new people and found this day beneficial for my self development. -Tina, Year 13

 It was nice to spend the day with peers doing fun activities that I haven't participated in previously which really challenged my perseverance – Sara

I really enjoyed this. There was a good competitive spirit and team members worked hard together.- Alina