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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year 7 & 8 Assessment Week

Year 7 & 8 examinations will be held during the week Monday 29th November to Friday 3rd December and will take place during lesson time in classrooms.

Below is a booklet for each Year group to support students with their assessment preparation.  This booklet gives parents and students more information regarding the content of the exam and the key skills and subject knowledge that will be examined, for each subject.

There are several techniques that students should use to help them revise:

Spaced practice - the greater the planning and preparation given to creating revision timetables the more time students have to learn the content.  In addition, it gives students the time to break large units down into more manageable bite-size content. 

Interleaving - students study a topic for up to 20 minutes.  They then take a short break and study another topic for 20 minutes.  After another short break, they write down everything that they have learnt in both the 20-minute sessions.  This will build up the content stored and help to identify any gaps in their learning. 

Dual coding - students take a topic and change it into diagrams, pictures, mind maps etc.  We recall these much easier than written text, hence why we can remember faces but not always names!  

Retrieval Practice - students put away their books and write/sketch everything they can remember no matter how great or small.  This will help to again identify any gaps in learning - if they do not know it or cannot remember it, use the techniques above to help it sink in. 

Examples of how parents can assist students with their revision:

  • Encourage the student to use the revision techniques above and ask questions about the techniques she has learnt.
  • Check the student has copies of the relevant booklet where she can revise the key content for the exams. Where there are gaps, encourage the student to speak to/email her class teacher.
  • Ask the student to teach you the content of the exam in detail.  Studies have shown that when we teach others we are more likely to learn something ourselves and develop our understanding further.
  • Ensure the student has the required equipment for her exam.  Students may require specific equipment for certain examinations e.g. a calculator for maths. Subject teachers will inform students about any specific requirements for their exams via the booklet.
  • Access websites / online resources with the student
  • Remove any items that can distract the student and encourage her to study hard for 20 minutes without distraction and then take a break.  Studies have shown that this technique is far more productive than lengthy revision sessions.
  • Ensure the student gets plenty of rest and eats well during the examination period.
  • Discuss the exams with the student and help to alleviate any stress. We simply want to see their best, that is all.

If you have any subject specific questions about these examinations, then please speak directly to the student’s class teacher. For all other queries please do not hesitate to contact your daughter’s Head of Year.