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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Government Updates in relation to COVID-19

The government has now updated its guidance in relation to COVID-19, with new national measures announced on Saturday 27th November 2021.

Some of these changes affect schools, with updated education guidance summarised below:

Face Coverings

Face coverings should be worn in communal areas in all settings by staff, visitors and pupils or students in year 7 and above, unless they are exempt. Pupils or students (in year 7 or above) should continue to wear face coverings on public and dedicated school transport, unless they are exempt.


All educational and childcare settings should continue to encourage staff and students to test twice weekly using Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests.

Contract Tracing and Isolation 

The current guidance on contact tracing and isolation remains in place. In addition to these, any suspected or confirmed close contacts of the Omicron variant will be asked to isolate for 10 days regardless of vaccination status or age.


All eligible staff and students aged 12 and over are encouraged to take up the offer of the vaccine, including boosters.

To book a vaccination, please visit: Book or manage a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination – NHS (

Changes to the red list for international travel to England

Individuals arriving in England from red list countries must follow the red list rules.

South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia and Zimbabwe moved onto the red list at 12pm Friday 26 November. Angola, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia were added to the red list 4am Sunday 28 November.

Mask Wearing

In line with the government guidance, students at Carshalton High School for Girls should now wear a face mask in communal areas such as corridors and the school canteen and gym during social times (except for those that have a mask exemption).

LFD and PCR Testing

Please continue to keep us updated if your daughter has tested positive via a PCR test and continue to update TestRegister with the results of LFD tests.

As ever, we will be in touch with regular updates as soon as we have any further guidance.

Mr M Devenney, Headteacher