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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Jack Petchey Environmental Survey

We’ve seen a lot in the news lately around the environment, what countries have been deciding to change and what the future could look like for our world.

But there’s been one key voice missing from this discussion: yours.

There’s a lot of research on how anxious young people are about environmental issues, but very little focusing on the amazing positive things young people are already doing and your vision for our future.

Our survey takes just 10 minutes and asks…

  • What do you think should be prioritised for our environment?
  • How do you think young people, youth groups and schools/colleges can be empowered to make a positive change?
  • And what opportunities do you want to see for young people to spread a positive message?

We want to hear your views – fill out our short survey today on all things you and the environment by clicking on the image below.

You will automatically be entered into a prize draw for £200!

PLUS, if over 20 people from your school or youth group fill in the survey, they will also be entered into a prize draw for a £500 grant! The survey is open to anyone age 11-25 in London or Essex and closes Friday 17th December.