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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year 10 Careers Morning

On Monday, 24th January, Year 10 students took part in the second of their Careers events.

The morning consisted of two sessions, the first one being an introduction to our work experience programme here at Carshalton Girls.

During this session, students took a closer look at why we take part in work experience and the number of benefits involved such as being able to work on their transferable skills. They were also given advice on the best way to look for and secure placements. We will be sending details home shortly with more information about the programme.

The second session was focused around a Curriculum VItae (CV) workshop. Using this information, students were able to make a start on their own CV. This was particularly important as the students will need a CV to assist them in securing work experience placements.

The feedback from both students and teachers was really positive, students were excited at the prospect of being able to experience learning in the world of work, and we look forward to supporting them through this part of their extracurricular journey.

Mrs Phelps-Gardiner, Careers & Work Experience Coordinator