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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Meet the Head Girls

Meet our two Head Girls for Year 11.


I’m Deon, one of the Head Girls in Year 11 for this year.

I’m excited to hold this position. Since I joined in 2017, I’ve held several leadership positions, but I hope to make the biggest impact as Head Girl.

This year, we are focused on making CHSG more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We have some ideas, but if you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to let me know.
Julia and I are always on hand to help students with whatever’s on their mind. Don’t be scared to approach us when you see us, we’ll be happy to talk to you!                                                                           Deon


I am Julia and I am one of the Head Girls in Year 11. I have been at school since the start of Year 7 and have loved the supportive and kind environment that CHSG has to offer. I’ve always felt like a part of the school and always felt as though my ideas and concerns have been heard. I wanted to apply for this role to be on the direct end of voicing and taking the concerns of others forward.

This year we are trying to work our way towards being sustainable. Working with the motto ‘A year to make a difference'. We are exploring the ways in which we can make our school more sustainable whilst also creating a more inviting physical environment. Our school is somewhere we spend a significant proportion of our time.

I firmly believe that the creation of a vibrant, stimulating, nurturing and sustainable environment can only serve to enhance our productivity and wellbeing, whilst also helping to address the challenges we face as members of both the school and wider community.

I am looking forward to working closely with the deputies to gather student opinion about how we can make the school an environment they want to come to every day. If students have any ideas as to how we can do this, they can come and find me or email me. My overall aim is to help the students' voices get the recognition they deserve.

Hoping to hear your ideas soon.                                                      Julia