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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Ready Made Meal Project

After a very successful introduction to their Business GCSE, Year 9 students have started working on a group project to implement business theory into practice. 

They worked in small groups and were briefed to come up with a ready-made meal idea after completing some primary and secondary research. The process involved deciding on the recipe, calculating costing and pricing, brand name, logo and packaging as well as promotional materials. Each team created a PowerPoint presentation and delivered their idea to their classmates, while being conscious of further criteria to meet in relation to how they presented their teamwork.

The results were very impressive to say the least and the following students had been awarded special prizes:

Tanzeela A, Abinaya B, Rebecca D, Grace F, Karnika G, Ruby H, Amber J, Riya J, Tharnihaa K, Sophie L, Nyla L, Amy M, Maleeha N, Abishna S, Subika S, Jiya S, Sagana T, Kyara T, Alishba W and Jessica Y.

Congratulations to the prize-winners and all our exceptionally hardworking Year 9 students for their enterprising skills, professionalism, creative ideas and for successfully completing their first business project.

We are looking forward to seeing what more they will produce in the future.

Ms S Berzek