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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Business News

Our Business and Economics students continued to impress us with their enthusiasm for their subject and interest in the world around them.

Year 9 Business students have been working in groups on their business projects. Each team developed a ready-made meal idea after careful market research and presented their product to their peers, with detailed information about their recipe, costs, price, packaging, brand logo and promotional ideas. It has been a highly productive few weeks with the final outcomes being professional and demonstrating how students were able to implement the business theories they had learned into practice.

Our Year 10 students have continued to learn their Theme 1 content and build on their exam skills, with a keen focus on application and analysis in their writing. Their mock assessments helped us to monitor their progress, as well as identify key areas for development. Since our last newsletter, Year 10s have completed their finance-based topics such as break even and cash flow and moved onto a new chapter related to making a business effective. This chapter consists of the concepts of limited and unlimited liability, choosing a business location, the purpose of business plans and the marketing mix.

In Year 11, we have made good progress with delivering Theme 2 content, where students learnt about globalisation and international trade, while considering its impact on UK businesses. In addition, we continued to build on their previous knowledge of marketing by having a deep dive into the marketing mix, with each element considered in full so that they can appreciate how a business can utilise this tool to make more effective decisions. We have also been practising how to answer exam-style questions under timed conditions so that they are able to replicate these skills in the actual exams they will sit this summer. Intervention sessions have also started where students have more targeted approach and work on specific revision and exam strategies in each session.

In A level Business, our Year 12 students have been learning about managing people, motivation theories, approaches to recruitment and selection as well as the marketing mix and strategy. There has been a growing emphasis on developing their exam techniques as they have completed assessments and exam-style answers regularly. In Year 12 BTEC Business students have completed their Personal and Business Finance unit, which had an external examination in January 2022. This challenging paper had questions ranging from depreciation and comprehensive income statement to types of life insurance and payment methods. Since their exam, students started their new coursework unit, which is about exploring business.

Our newly launched Economics A level is continuing to add great value, not only to those students who are studying the subject but also those who are in CHSG Sixth Form, through the Year 12 Economics students’ leadership in the debate club. We have made great progress in their understanding of the micro and macroeconomic theories, all along keeping a close eye on the economy in the UK and around the world. In every lesson, students learn 

how to apply theory into practice with a wealth of examples that we discuss in our external environment. These are highly topical discussion points such as the reasons for and impact of rising energy prices, policies to tackle hiking inflation rates, how the conflict between Russia and Ukraine might impact global economies.

In Year 13 A level Business students finished off Theme 3, which was based on business strategy and had their pre-public assessments followed by more exam practice, several lessons dedicated purely on improving exam technique as well as one-to-one teacher feedback. In Year 13 BTEC Business, students completed an external assessment in January 2022 and have made a start on their final coursework unit on recruitment and selection. This unit will allow them to learn practical and work-related learning such as how to apply for a job and how to prepare for interviews.

Ms B Sanda, Head of Department