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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Return to School - Summer Term

The start of the Summer Term arrangements are as follows:

Tuesday 19th April - Working From Home Day

Lessons will be set on MS Teams for students to work from home. (No live lessons will be available).

Wednesday 20th April - Return to School (Week 2)

Students return to school and must be on site by 8.30 am to register at 8.35 am.

If you have a safeguarding issue during the holiday break please click the following link: Carshalton High School for Girls - Safeguarding (

School Uniform Reminders

As we enter the Summer Term and the weather (hopefully) becomes significantly warmer, we would like to remind parents and students as to how our uniform policy should be applied correctly for when students return to school.

It is worth highlighting the following.

  • Sunglasses are not permitted in school.
  • The blazer must be always worn (we will write to you separately if it becomes so hot the blazer can be left at home)
  • The school jumper is optional and can be left at home if Karen wishes
  • Only religious necklaces should be worn. These must be out of sight, inside a jumper or blouse.
  • Hair colour must be a natural colour (i.e. a human being can grow it naturally)
  • False nails / nail varnish need to be removed
  • School bag (Y7-10 only) and PE kit bag are the school branded bags
  • Year 11 students require a plain black rucksack with no visible logos.

Staff members will continue to check the students' uniform in the tutor group line-ups and teachers will check uniform at the start of lessons as well.

The policy also states that we will confiscate items such as scarves, coats, headwear and sunglasses and they will be kept safe with the Headteacher’s PA until collected by a parent. Jewellery that is confiscated is handed back to the students at the end of every half term by the Heads of Year.

The vast majority of our students conform to all aspects of our policy and we are immensely proud of the way that they represent our school both in the community and on the school site. We thank parents for their support in this matter.