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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Class Charts

This term we have introduced a new behaviour tracking system called Class Charts

Class Charts records both positive and negative behaviours. We will be looking at how the new system is working over the course of this term and will release information about how parents and students can access the programme in due course.

The students have responded well to the programme and it is pleasing to see students getting recognition for their hard work and commitment.

We have made some adjustments to our behaviour systems as there is a few students who are receiving multiple Level 1 negative behaviours in a day and across the term.

Our Behaviour Escalation Procedures are now included as appendices in our Good Behaviour Policy, a full version of which is available to view or download at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions please contact the appropriate Head of Year. Contact details are available from the Staff Directory on the school's website.