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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Science Trip to Greenwich

The trip to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich was amazing.

As soon as we arrived we were met with friendly staff who were more than happy to answer our questions. We first started with the part of the museum looking at the different types of telescopes and microscopes. It was very interesting; not only to see the actual equipment but also how they have evolved over time. For example there was a microscope on display that was huge, however nowadays, it could be a fraction of the size!

We then went to another part of the museum which was all about clocks. We got talking to a man who worked there and he gave us a very expert synopsis of the story behind many of them. One of the clocks he talked about was a Harrison clock that was very precise, achieving an accuracy of 1 second a month! Which was far better than any of the clocks at the time.

After, we had our lunch and enjoyed the views of Canary Wharf and The Shard. It was then time to go to The Planetarium, which is what we were all most excited for. The show itself was spectacular; we were shown images of our Milky Way galaxy, nearby stars, our sun and its outer layers, and black holes. We were spoilt with fascinating information about the cosmos and how stars both the same as, and larger than our sun, will turn out to be in millions of years. Which linked nicely wi h the unit we are doing at the moment. Overall, it was a fantastic day out and everyone loved it!