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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

The Big Conversation

On Wednesday 20th July during period 5 we will host our ‘Big Conversation’ event on the field. 

This is an opportunity for the whole school, staff and students, to get together to chat, play games and socialise with each other.  We would like to invite students to bring blankets, board games, sun cream and a hat if they wish as the weather looks set to be warm, albeit much cooler than today.  We will ensure that all students have a filled water bottle with them before they go onto the field.  Should it rain then students will return to their period 5 lesson.  We will release all students at the end of period 5 and so the school day will end at 2.35pm. 

We hope this will be an enjoyable way to end the term and a nice chance for all the year groups to mix.