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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Industrial Action by the National Education Union (NEU) – arrangements for Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 202

Dear Parents / Carers,


Re: Industrial Action by the National Education Union (NEU) – arrangements for Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023


Following on from the letter sent earlier in the year by the Girls Learning Trust regarding industrial action, you will be aware that the National Education Union (NEU) has announced some proposed strike days for our area, with the next strikes due to take place on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023


Although the Trust has been formally notified by trade union of their intention to strike, there is also the possibility that through ongoing negotiations the strikes may not take place. As before, teachers are not compelled to inform their Headteacher of their plans to strike and staff not striking are not allowed to cover colleagues who are on strike. Therefore, for the purpose of the strike day lessons are suspended and there will be no remote learning. 


Schools locally will have varying numbers of NEU members; therefore, the impact of the potential strike will differ from school to school.  


Arrangements for Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023

Following a risk assessment considering the safety of staff and students, our aim is to provide the following arrangements for these proposed strike days. The school will remain open to all staff not involved in industrial action. 


Years 11 and 13

School will remain open as usual to students in Year 11 and 13 only who will attend their timetabled lessons where staff are not taking industrial action. Other lessons will be supervised by members of the Leadership Team and cover supervisors. Students need to arrive by 8.25am as normal in correct uniform.


Year 12

Exams for Year 12 students will go ahead and students in this year group should attend school for their exams only. If they are not sitting an exam they should remain at home and use the time for revision. Exams will take place in the Careers Centre. Please note students should make their way directly to the Careers Centre upon arrival and not to the Sixth Form block.


Years 7, 8, 9 and 10

All students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 are to remain at home. Students in these year groups should carry on with the next timetabled lesson in their booklets, and complete Maths work on either Sparx Maths or Hegarty Maths. 


Critical Workers - The school will also be open to those students whose parents/carers are critical workers.  If you believe your child should be given a place under the critical worker criteria as outlined on page 22 of this document: Emergency planning and response for education, childcare, and children’s social care settings October 2022 (  please contact the School Office by 3pm on Monday 13th March. 


Additionally, the school will contact families whose children may particularly benefit from studying in a routine, supervised and familiar environment.


There will be a food service available in the canteen at break and lunchtimes for students and staff. 


Please note that Friday 17th March will remain an INSET day and will, therefore, be closed to students.


As always, we will keep parents informed if any of these arrangements change. Details about any future strike days will be sent out as required.


Kind regards

 Mr M M J Devenney