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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

CHSG News - Friday 12 January


Happy New Year and a warm welcome back to all our students. We've had a great start to the Spring term and are very proud of how well everyone has settled back in. This half term we will have our second Personal Development Day of the academic year as well as many opportunities for parents to engage with the school through Academic Review Day's, Parents Consultations and Revision Workshops, you will have received emails detailing how to participate in all these events and we hope you find them useful in supporting your child in their various stages of school life.

We have recently been informed of major gas pipe replacement work which will impact the entrance to the school, details of the works, which will begin on Monday 22nd January, is below. Please ensure you allow extra time for your daughters journey during this time.

Mr M M J Devenney    

Dates for your diary

15/01/2024 - Drama trip to see The Witches
18/01/2024 - Year 12 and 13 Parents Consultation Evening 

25/01/2024 - Year 11 academic review day and Year 11, 12 and 13 parents skills workshop

25/01/2024 - Personal development day

Late start for students on Friday 19th January

As we have Parents Evening on Thursday, there is a later start for students on Friday:

8.30 Gates open (no line-ups)
8.50-8.55  Registration 
8.55-9.00 Travel time
9.00 Period 1 as normal


Year 7

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a restful time with your families and friends during the Christmas break.

Year 7s have settled back into school life very well. They had their first assembly this week, led by Mr Devenney. He spoke to them about one of our school values, Be Ambitious

As we embark on a new term, a quick reminder about uniform expectations: please ensure your child wears the correct uniform and outer coats/jackets must be either navy blue or black with no motifs. 

As ambassadors for the school students are expected to be in full school uniform, wearing their lanyards during the school day and on their journeys to and from school. Wearing the correct uniform always results in a positive start to the school day for the students when they enter the school gate. 

Our focus on behaviour, this term, centres around home learning completion. It’s a key part of success and we’re excited about celebrating achievements together. 

Here’s to a fantastic term ahead!

Mrs Oladokun

Year 8

Welcome back to a new year at CHSG. We're really looking to a strong and positive start back despite the chilly weather. This term is a short one and is going to fly by with February half term starting on the 12th and returning to school on the 20th of Feb. However, there is a lot of learning to be done as we move into the next sequence of learning. 

As always, we will continue to have high expectations of our students from their uniform to their behaviour in class. On top of this it is important to continue attending each day as we know that this is one of the greatest markers of academic achievement.

Some of our Year 8 art students had the opportunity to visit the National Portrait Gallery this week where they took part in a workshop to further their portrait skills.

Finally, please save the 1st of February in your diaries for the Year 8 Parents Consultation Evening. This is a brilliant opportunity to speak to your child's teachers and gain a first hand perspective on their progress and on what they need to do to improve. Further information on how book will be sent out next week.

Mr Sutherland

Year 9

We welcomed Year 9 back on the 8th where our students hit the ground running in their GCSE classes. The students have returned refreshed and recharged but also aware of their next steps to make progress. Throughout this week, we have reflected on the previous term, we looked at what we want to achieve this term and thought about our motivations and ambitions in an assembly with Mr Devenney. 

This all leads nicely into our Academic Review day on the 25th January where parents have been invited into school to meet with a member of the pastoral team. In these meetings we will have an opportunity to discuss attendance, recent academic progress and any pastoral concerns you may have. It is an excellent opportunity for you to meet the team, see the school in action and set some positive targets for your child to achieve. We look forward to welcoming you all either in person or online on the 25th. If you need assistance in booking an appointment, please contact me on the numbers below.

As always, we want to thank you for your continued support of the team and the school. If there is anything that you would like to discuss about your child's education then feel free to call or email me at any time.

Mr Stockwell
0208 647 8294 ext 2121

Year 10

Happy New Year to everyone! 

Welcome back to a new term, the focus of this half term will be work experience. The first deadline is Thursday 18th January where we will need to see evidence of applications, this can be in the form of emails, letters or phone calls. If you have any questions or need help with your applications, please speak to your form tutors, pastoral team or Mrs Phelps-Gardiner

Well done for hitting the ground running this week, you have been extremely focused and motivated towards your learning. Keep it up!

Miss Golightly

Year 11

Welcome back to our Year 11 students.

This will be a busy final full term for students as they continue to prepare for their final exams in May. Mock exams will be held in the first week back after half term so please do continue to support your daughter to remain focussed and positive during these times. In order to aid you in this, we will be running a Parents Revision Skills Workshop on Thursday 25th January from 6pm -7pm, if you have yet to do so, please sign up here: Year 11 Parents Revision Workshop sign up

Please also be reminded of the following dates:

  • Thursday 25th January; Academic Review Day. 9am-3pm . You are required to sign up for appointments here:
  • Year 11 Parent Consultation is the 21st March 2024, we will invite you to book in due course.
  • Year 11 Prom, Thursday 4th July. To secure the date I will need to collect a deposit of £20 from parents via Parent Pay no later than Monday 22nd January 2024.

Mrs Devaney

Sixth Form

Year 12

Year 12 have started the new term with full focus and with the knowledge of being top of the school at the end of last term, in regard to attendance. We ended with an impressive 94.7%

This half term, Year 12 will focus on reflecting and planning, following on from the November assessments. As a result, we would like to extend the invitation to the Revision Evening on Thursday 25th January, to parents/guardians of Year 12 students. Further details will be sent out next week about this event.

Also, the cohort are getting started with their search for work experience, which will take place in July. Students have had one session to facilitate their searching, with other sessions planned and time within the tutor time programme dedicated to Work Experience. 

As always, the support of everyone at home is very much appreciated and makes such a difference to the students. 

Miss Ishola