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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Oxford University trip with the Access Project

On Monday 26th February, selected Year 10 Access Project students took part in a visit to Oxford University. It was such an enjoyable day, which was packed with tours around the University, a visit to the Chaucer Exhibition, workshops on the funding side of university and a great questions and answers session with students who are currently on degree courses at Oxford. As always, the feedback about our students and the level of engagement were wonderful to hear. Well done to all the students who took part.

My favourite part of this visit would be the tour around the Bodleian Library. I was shocked to learn that the library keeps books that are more than 600 years old! It was fascinating to learn about the history behind all the books that were stored, including Charles Darwin's. It is said that till this day; this library has kept many drafts of the writing behind the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. That's so cool!!!



Overall I found the trip very insightful, and I feel a lot more well-informed on different aspects of university, such as funding and courses and I can clearly see how these link to subject choices at GCSE and A-level. The most interesting parts were the library and the tour carried out by students as it was great to see the campus from the students' viewpoint. The Q&A session was also very helpful in seeing how they made their choices and how they feel about their courses.



On the 26th of February, I went on a trip with the Access Project to Oxford University. I really enjoyed this trip as there was a wide range of activities that we engaged in, and it really helped develop my understanding of the benefits of going to a university. It also helped me narrow down my choices as to what university I would like to go to in the future.  I found this such a great opportunity, especially the advice that we got from the undergraduate students who attend that university. 
