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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Trip to The Institute of Cancer Research

Visiting the Institute

Our Year 12 students were offered an amazing opportunity to visit The Institute of Cancer Research in London. Students took part in a series of interactive tasks, followed by a tour of the Institute’s working laboratories, getting to view and use revolutionary equipment including a £1.2m microscope and inspecting 80-year-old cancer cells! Having a peek behind the curtain of one of the world’s most incredible organisations was a truly unmissable opportunity, and the girls will undoubtedly be inspired by this evening’s fascinating experience!

What our students had to say...

     "I am not sure what I expected from the trip to The Institute of Cancer Research, but we were all pretty blown away from the moment we first stepped into the building. I actually couldn’t believe that I had managed to be offered such a wonderful experience. Not only did we get to visit the laboratories, but we were actually given live cancer cells to examine under the microscope to get a better understanding of the variations to those of normal cells. This has definitely given me something to think about and the direction I may take after my A-levels."

   "The Cancer Research Institute trip was a fascinating experience. Exploring the intricacies of cancer alongside Ms Phelps-Gardiner and Mr Kart was immensely rewarding and helpful. We were shocked by the costliness of the equipment and surprised about the largest donation they received, which was £90.5m. It was a fun and helpful experience that I will be able to reflect on as I make the choices about my future."

See photos from the event and follow our Careers Department on Instagram: