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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Mental Health Awareness Week

The Big Step Count Competition:
Monday 13th to Friday 19th

Are you ready for the big step count challenge CHSG?!

Which House will be victorious in walking the most steps?

Which Tutor Group will win the queue-jumping passes?

Each tutor group will enter their daily total steps (up until 2.45pm each day) onto a shared spreadsheet.

So get walking: walk to school, walk around lunch and break and get those steps up. 

Wear it Green Day - Thursday 16th May

Be ready to support Mental Health Awareness Week by adding an accessory to your uniform on Thursday 16th May.

50p minimum donation

All donations will go to the Mental Health Foundation.

Accessories can include:

  • Green socks

  • Green hairband

  • Green bracelets


Fitness Friday

Get ready for “Fitness Friday!!”

Are you more fit than your teachers?

Look out for challenges during lunch and breaktimes.