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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Government & Politics

 Have you ever wondered how Britain or the USA is governed?

Do you have an interest in finding out how laws are made, how democracy works and what political parties stand for? 

If you like debate, discussion, reading and researching then you will be well suited to studying Government and Politics.

Government and Politics is a challenging, academic subject and, as such, is highly regarded by universities and employers. In order to succeed, students will be required to read widely for this course. If you have an interest in news and current affairs then the chances are, you are already doing this.

What do we study? 

Currently in Year 12 we study Government and Politics of the UK as well as political ideologies such as conservatism, liberalism and socialism.  In year 13 we study Government and Politics of the US as well as feminism.

How is the course taught?

This course is taught by Mrs Durrett and Miss Winders. Students studying Government and Politics can expect to use a variety of learning methods in their lessons, including group work, debate, and guided reading.

What skills will students gain from the course?

Politics students are encouraged to think independently and approach new subjects with an enquiring mind. They will develop their skills of analysis and problem solving. They will also build on their communication and oral skills. This means the course combines well with History, English and Sociology in particular.

Due to its reputation as a challenging, academic subject which develops skills of analysis, communication and problem solving, A Level Government and Politics is regarded very highly by universities when students are selected for admission.

Students who have studied this course will become successful independent thinkers and learners, both qualities which will serve them well, should they choose to go on to university.

Department Staff    
Head of Department 
Miss N Winders
Assistant Headteacher / Gov & Politics Teacher
Mrs P Durrett