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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Sociology Year 11

GCSE Sociology

In Year 11 students are able to carry out in depth studies on crime and deviance. They will look at theories that attempt to explain criminal activity and evaluate methods of recording crime statistics. Students will focus on criminology throughout Year 11, looking at explanations for crime and deviance and its impact on our society.  The course will look at our judicial processes for punishing criminals as well as a study of victimology.

How is the course structured?

Students follow the AQA syllabus and are expected to sit two written exams by the end of Year 11.  These exams are short answer and essay based questions.  Students follow an intensive course of revision and exam preparation prior to these exams.

What do students study?

Students cover the Crime and Deviance topic in full and then begin a thorough revision programme of all other topics to ensure full understanding and to perfect exam technique.