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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Design Technology

‘Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.’  

Joe Sparano

PD intro

In Design & Technology we encourage students to combine practical and technological skills with creative thinking to design and make real and useful products and systems that meet human needs.  They learn to use current technologies and consider the impact of future technological developments.  They are taught how to think creatively, and use their design thinking to improve quality of life.  Our students learn how to solve problems as individuals and as members of a team by working in stimulating contexts that provide a range of opportunities and draw on the local ethos, community and wider world.  They are given the skills to respond with ideas, products and systems, challenging expectations where appropriate by combining both practical and intellectual skills with an understanding of a variety of other external and moral factors.

We aim to:

  • foster an interest and enjoyment in the understanding and use of Design & Technology
  • stimulate each student’s curiosity about the world around her/him and about everyday objects, how they are made and function
  • encourage students to confront and discuss design and technological issues – both new and existing – as well as to consider ethical, moral and environmental aspects
  • equip students to be confident citizens in an increasingly technological world and look to the future with creativity and innovation
  • develop confidence in practical and problem-solving activities with real life contexts
  • develop an enterprising attitude and to take risks where appropriate
  • see opportunities and make things happen
  • provide a sound basis for further technological study and entry to Design & Technology based professions

The staff in the Design & Technology Department are specialists in the subject areas and are highly knowledgeable and skilled. 

Department Staff    
Head of Department 
Mrs B Pearce
Food & Technology Teacher
Ms S Brice
Food & Technology Teacher
Miss N Robinson
Technology Teacher
Miss L Nelson
Technology Technician
Mrs N McDowell