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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Your Child

Pupils are happy and feel safe. Leaders have developed a culture where pupils behave well and work hard.

Pupils behave well around the school. Relationships between staff and pupils, and between pupils themselves, are positive. 

Pupils are very positive about the wider opportunities available. 

Ofsted 2023

Students are encouraged to become leaders within the school community through taking on responsibility within form groups, representing peers on the school and year councils as well as opportunities for older students to become ambassadors and train to be peer mentors.

Working with all individuals concerned we aim to ensure that each pupil has a fulfilling and enjoyable educational experience here at Carshalton Girls. 

Carshalton High School for Girls recognises that the welfare of the child is paramount and takes seriously its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of the young people in its care. It is committed to providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn in and to have systems in place to identify children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and to operate procedures to take appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in the education setting. This will be overlooked by the Senior Leadership Team member responsible for Safeguarding and the pupil safeguarding team. 

We recognise that, at times, students will have disagreements; if this becomes an issue parents are encouraged to follow our procedures as outlined in this flow chart:

How Parents Can Help

Click on the flow chart to view

We believe that all students, staff and parents/carers have the right to be protected from bullying and abusive behaviour.

At Carshalton High School for Girls a collective responsibility from students, staff and parents to report bullying in all forms is encouraged. This enables any incident to be dealt with immediately and as effectively and efficiently as possible.

The expectations of good behaviour in Carshalton High School for Girls are high and implicit and supported by a positive environment in and out of the classroom.

Carshalton High School for Girls expects students to behave in such a way that no intimidation of a fellow student takes place.

All policies are available from the School Policies page.

General Information

Break and Lunchtime

Students are allowed into their own form rooms at both break and lunchtime. At break and lunchtime girls can purchase hot and cold food from the canteen or the pavilion in the playground. Students may bring a packed lunch and eat this either in the canteen, the playground area or in their form room. During the summer term students can sit on the field to eat lunch.

‘Independent Catering’ provide our food and meals service. We operate a cashless system, students use either a fingerprint or card to pay for all items.


It is permitted for girls to drink water during lessons except when they are close to or using electrical equipment. To prevent spillage we ask that bottles of water have a sports cap.

Rewards and Responsibility

The school celebrates the achievements, good behaviour and good attendance of students at every opportunity through assemblies, letters and postcards home, presentation of prizes and organised events. There is a whole school rewards policy.

Students are encouraged to take on positions of responsibility in order develop a range of personal and social skills. Current positions include prefects, form captains, sports captains, School Council representatives and student guides. Many opportunities are also provided for students to work with businesses, organisations and members of the community.

Success through Partnership

We want students to achieve their personal best. If that is to happen there must be a strong partnership between the school, student and parents. A Home/School agreement is signed by all parties when a student starts at the school and there are expectations and responsibilities placed on everyone to do their part to ensure the student succeeds.

Student Planner

All students are issued with a Planner at the beginning of each academic year. It contains a large amount of key information for students as well as being the means by which students record their homework or anything they need to remember. Students should carry their planner at all times and parents are asked to check and sign it once a week.

Religious Education

All students undertake Religious Studies lessons in line with government requirements. Should parents wish to have their child withdrawn from lessons a request must be made to the Headteacher.

Access to School Related Documents

All schools have a number of statutory documents. Any parent wishing to see such a document is entitled to do so. Many of our documents are available on the School website ( Parents are asked to contact the Headteacher if they wish to see a particular school related document that is otherwise not available.

Student Records

Under the Fair Processing Notice any student over 12 years old is entitled to see any data held by the school about them. Parents can ask to see any data on behalf of the child. Parents may request a copy of any document held on a student file, although the cost of photocopying will be charged. Any request should be made to the Headteacher.

Complaints about the School Curriculum and Related Matters

It is important that parents let us know any concerns or complaints about the school. In the first instance, we would ask that concerns be raised with the relevant member of staff, Curriculum Leader, Faculty Leader or Year Leader. We will undertake to return any telephone call or contact within 24 hours of receipt. If the matter remains unresolved, a complaint should be made to the Headteacher who will look into the matter. If it is not possible to resolve the complaint at that stage then there is a formal complaints procedure which allows matters to be considered by the Governing Body and if necessary the Local Authority. A link to the policy can be found on our Policies page.