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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year 8 Receptionist Responsibility

At Carshalton High School for Girls we understand that as well as providing an education for our students, we are also seeking to teach them skills useful for their lives beyond their time with us.

Two aspects of this are developing skills of responsibility and of trustworthiness. Students have many opportunities to develop these throughout their school life. One major component of this is through our student receptionist programme.

During Year 8 students are required to spend at least one school day, with a maximum of two for some, acting as student receptionists. The role requires students to help the office, pastoral and teaching staff to support the rest of the school body by completing a variety of jobs.

Students could be asked to perform any of the following:

  • Acting as guides to potential new students and their families, explaining the location of key buildings and answering any questions the guests may have
  • Showing visitors to the appropriate room for their meetings
  • Sending messages to students from parents who have called the school
  • Performing lesson checks to ensure students are in their correct classes and reinforcing their knowledge of the geography of the school
  • Delivering messages to students for various support meetings
  • Distributing letters to staff and students
  • Greeting visitors to the school
  • Helping office staff with appropriate admin tasks

Whislt we understand this will mean students miss being in the classroom for one day the student receptionists collect work from their subject teachers which they complete in between their receptionist duties.

In our experience, the students at Carshalton Girls make wonderful ambassadors for the school, enjoy the opportunity and learn more about how the school functions.

Here are some of the comments from our Year 8 Receptionists:

Some of the things I liked are:

  • learning more about resopnsibility

  • having to be professional

  • getting to know staff

  • learning about time management

  • helping others


  • going into different classes

  • handing out messages

  • being resopnsible for things being delivered

  • answering phone calls


  • You get to know the school better

  • You get to know your partner


  • We can take part in doing our lesson work and also be a receptionist

  • It allows you to be more confident

  • It gives you a sense of responsibility


  • You learn to maange your time wisely

  • You get to know the school better

  • You learn to be more efficient

  • You can do it with someone else which can make it a bit quicker

  • You learn new skills that you may need in later life eg for jobs
