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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year 11


Mrs Devaney
Head of Year
 Ms Wilson
Assistant Head of Year
Ms Fyffe
Pastoral Support Officer

As GCSE courses continue, the ethos for the year group is very much about focus, motivation, resilience and achievement. Students will be introduced to new concepts and skills in all their subjects and are encouraged to approach these with enthusiasm and maturity. This is also a good time for students to engage more within the school community by participating in and running events, whether as a tutor group, year group or with their House.

Tutor time will be used to develop study skills, explore culture and social issues through the British values programme and utilising time appropriately to ensure deadlines are met and to catch up on any missed work.

The year group have a key stage assembly which are often led by faculty areas and showcase the excellence in the school as well as marking key events. We also come together as a year group on Fridays for an assembly. This enables us to celebrate our successes and for students and staff to share information and ideas.

Within each tutor group, students are voted into roles of responsibility and a particular highlight for many in the year group is becoming a Prefect. This involves supporting students in other years as well as the whole school community. Responsibilities are taken seriously by students, as they recognise the importance and expectations of the role. All members of the year group are given the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions through the student voice focus group that aim to liaise with staff to make effective changes for the year group.

This year our priority is achieving the best grades possible and to encourage all students to reach their full potential at GCSE.

Mrs Baker and Mrs Mellish will continue to work with the tutor team to support students to help overcome any barriers to learning. If parents have any concerns about students' learning or wellbeing at school, please contact their form tutor.

Year 11 Team

Head of Year
Mrs Devaney
Assistant Head of Year
Ms Wilson
Pastoral Support Officer
Mrs Baker
Miss Oladogba
Mr Jeyasothy
Mr Alletson
Ms S Kenny
Ms Stanley
Miss Foley
Miss Trout
Ms Paine


Useful Websites

Whilst both you as parents and us as teachers work hard to ensure your daughters are happy and safe, there are times when you need a little more information or advice. In these situations please do not hesitate to contact the school. Alternatively, you may find one of the website’s below of use. for advice on a wide range of issues and access to a counsellor for advice on drugs or substance misuse for advice on eating disorders an online community for single parents to get advice or support a national charity who provide support for parents for advice on forced marriages