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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Useful Websites & Contacts

Information, advice, counselling and support:

Care Law Information for young people in care 
Child Line Tel: 0800 1111
 Jigsaw4U Advocacy for looked after young people: 020 8687 1384
 Kidscape  Anti bullying
 NSPCC  NSPCC  Tel: 0808 800 500
Youth Line 0800 096 1425

Drugs and Alcohol

Talk to Frank Information and advice about drugs 
CAMHS Substance Misuse Worker Advice for U19s 080 8652 7945
Drinkline Help and advice about alcohol 0800 917 8282 
NHS Smoking Helpline 0800 169 0169

General Health

Eating Disorders Association Youth Line 0845 634 7650
NHS DIrect 0845 4647 
Saneline (Mental Health) 0845 767 8000
St Helier Hospital 020 8296 2000