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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Attendance and Punctuality

It is crucial that attendance and punctuality reflect the commitment that students are prepared to show in school. The aim of this policy is to treat students with the same autonomy as they would have in the world of work, but also with the same responsibilities. 

Authorised Absence

Absences will be authorised in the following circumstances and, where possible, should always be accompanied by a note in advance:

  • illness, when supported by a phone call on the same day or a letter the first day back after absence. Please be advised that medical evidence will be requested if absence persists.
  • religious observance
  • 3 open day visits in liaison with subject staff, Mrs Norman and Dr Odugbemi
  • 2 Taster Day visits to university in liaison with subject staff, Mrs Norman and Dr Odugbemi

Unauthorised Absence

Absences will not be authorised in the following circumstances:

  • time required for part-time job
  • driving lessons
  • routine medical/dental check-ups
  • Child care for younger siblings

Holidays or Leave of Absence

It is expected that you will not take time off from school for a holiday. However, should there be an unavoidable reason as to why you have to go away during the school term, a ‘Leave of Absence’ form should be collected from the school office and handed in to Mrs Norman at least one term in advance.

Morning Registration

Year 12 and Year 13

Registration every morning is at 8:35am in tutor rooms.

Afternoon Registration

Year 12 and Year 13

If students do not have a lesson 5 they may leave after they have registered by signing out in the Sixth Form Common Room. The earliest students can sign out is 1.10 pm.