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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year Groups

We believe that our students are more successful in an environment that is caring, optimistic and encouraging. Carshalton High School for Girls is a school that provides an atmosphere of support for students and enables their success, their development of character and well-being. Our students know that they are valued as individuals with unique needs, strengths and potential.

The promotion of well-being, care for each other, kindness and resilience lies at the core of our School. Our students know they have a voice that is listened to by teachers and fellow students. Our goal is to develop independent, resourceful young people who are ready to take their place confidently in society.    

In order to foster and develop this positive culture each year group has a Year Leader, Assistant Year Leader, Student Support representative and each student will have a Form Tutor to discuss any concerns with, seek help or guidance in the first instance.

"The school's care and support for pupils is outstanding." Ofsted