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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Jack Petchey Awards

Jack Petchey

The Jack Petchey Foundation Awards Scheme

The Jack Petchey Foundation was established by the successful East London entrepreneur, Jack Petchey, in 1999. It is now among the largest and most influential London charitable foundations focusing on projects and programmes that benefit 11-25 year olds. Jack Petchey wants the Achievement Awards scheme to recognise “Extreme endeavour and to help people to help themselves”.
Jack Petchey logo

What is the Gold Scheme Achievement Award?

The scheme enables Carshalton High School for Girls to recognise the effort, endeavour and achievement of students in a positive way by providing additional funds for Carshalton High School for Girls through 9 awards per year. Each award is worth £200.00. The school is also able to nominate an adult to win a Jack Petchey Foundation Leader Award with the further opportunity to apply for a small grant to develop a specific project.

How does it work?

Each month, through a nomination and voting process, we select either a student, member of staff or volunteer at Carshalton High School for Girls to receive an Achievement Award. Each month‟s winner receives a framed certificate, badge and a cheque (payable to Carshalton High School for Girls) to be spent for the benefit of the school based on a wish list which is created by the students and staff. Award winners are entitled to receive a boxed Achievement Award Medallion which is presented at an annual awards ceremony which all winners are expected to attend. A person may only achieve one award and it cannot be given to groups

Nominations can happen at any time during the school year. Any student, member of staff, parent, governor or anyone associated with the school is welcome to nominate  A nomination form is available from the LRC or can be downloaded. Once completed it can be posted in the Nomination Box outside the Finance Office or handed to a school council representative. Alternatively please email the completed form to

  Every nomination must include:

  • The name of the person you wish to nominate
  • The name of the person making the nomination
  • Whether you are a student, member of staff, parent etc.
  • The reason for your nomination. Please be as explicit as you can.

Please remember: To win an award the nominee must be aged between 11–25.  They do not need to be the cleverest, the  fastest or the best looking!  But they need to be exceptionally hard working or have done something really positive for other  people.


If shortlisting is required, the school council together with Mrs Young, the Jack Petchey Co-ordinator, will decide which  nominations will be included.

How to Vote

Each tutor group will have one vote. This is decided as follows:

  1. Each tutor discusses with their tutor group the shortlisted candidates
  2. Every student and member of staff votes for their favourite candidate.
  3. Whoever receives the most votes will receive that tutor group‟s overall 1 vote.
  4. The ballot forms are returned to Mrs Young by the closing date and the overall monthly winner is the student who received the most votes across the school.

The Winner

The winner is presented during assembly with a framed certificate, badge and a presentation cheque for £200.00. From the wish list the winner chooses how the money will be spent. At an annual awards ceremony they will also receive a boxed Achievement Award Medallion. The winners name is posted on the website and on the notice board. Award winner can choose to spend the money on either one of the existing suggestions on the Wish List or an acceptable idea of their own. If you have any suggestions for the Wish List please let your school council representative or Mrs Young know. Further information about the Jack Petchey Foundation can be accessed via their website