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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

GLT Schools

Information about the GLT Schools

All three schools in the Trust (Nonsuch, Wallington and Carshalton High School for Girls) share many common characteristics and are held in high regard in the local community. They are high performing and deliver a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum setting high expectations. Students across the Trust benefit from being taught by highly qualified, dedicated and committed staff who share their passion and knowledge of their subject.

All relationships in the Trust, whether they are between staff and students or between members of staff, are built on mutual trust and respect. These relationships drive school improvement and contribute to the emotional well-being of both staff and students alike.

We frequently receive comments from educational visitors to the Trust, students, parents and staff. Typical themes include; the high levels of motivation and positive behaviour of the students, the commitment and professionalism of the staff and the high quality, well equipped school buildings.

The strong academic performance in each school is complemented by highly effective pastoral care to ensure that students are supported, guided and cared for during their time within the Trust. Alongside this, the development of student ‘soft skills’ is central to our ethos and girls are encouraged to develop their confidence, independence and resilience across a wide range of enrichment activities. Extra-curricular provision is first class and students enjoy excellent opportunities to develop through sport, music, drama and a wide range of other activities.

Further details on each school can be found on their websites:


