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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Media Studies KS4

What will students study in Media Studies this year?

In years 9, 10 and 11 students will have five periods of Media Studies a fortnight.

Year 9:

Students will be introduced to the analysis of media texts and practical skills.  They will complete units on magazines and music video, studying set texts that they will be examined on in their final GCSE exams in Year 11.  They will learn how to use software to edit photos and construct a magazine cover and will plan, film and edit their own music video working in a small group.

Year 10:

Students will study the following topics in Year 10 to prepare them for Paper 1 of their GCSE Media Studies exam:

They will also start to research and plan their major coursework project.

Year 11:

Students will study the following topic in Year 11 to prepare them for Paper 1 of their GCSE Media Studies exam:

  • newspapers
  • a television sitcom in preparation for paper 2 of their GCSE Media Studies exam. 

Additionally, students will produce their final production pieces for coursework and a significant period of time in the spring term will be devoted to revision and exam preparation.

What are the major assessments this year? 

Students will be assessed at the end of each unit of study, this will usually be half termly, although units do vary in length so some may be assessed after a term.  Students will also sit practice examinations in accordance with the whole school assessment calendar. 

What do assessments test? 

The majority of assessments will test students’ ability to analyse pieces of media (media texts) in extended pieces of writing.  Other assessments will test students’ factual knowledge of different media industries and familiarity with key terminology.  Students will also be assessed on their practical production work.

What are the expectations of my daughter in Media Studies?

To be enthusiastic and committed to an exciting and challenging subject, to approach written work with an analytical and enquiring mind and to approach practical production work with organisation, creativity, an eye for detail and a willingness to adapt and improve.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in Media Studies?

We want to encourage an open atmosphere within the department where students are happy to say if they feel they need help or guidance with Media work.  Your daughter should speak to her Media teacher in the first instance and she may be offered additional support after school if it is felt necessary. 

How can I best support my daughter in Media Studies?)

Through encouraging her to engage with a range of media that preferably moves beyond the ways she normally accesses it – by regularly reading the online edition of a broadsheet newspaper for example.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

The class teacher.