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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) KS4

What will students study in PRE this year?

Throughout years 9, 10 and 11, students will build upon the grounding given to them during Key Stage 3. The Edexcel GCSE course contains units that specifically study both Christian and Islamic beliefs and practices as well as a selection of units that allow for a more in depth studying of a number of the philosophical and moral issues that the students encounter during Years 7 and 8.

Year 9 – students will begin with an introduction to the core beliefs of Christianity. They will then study Marriage and the Family through the religion of Christianity, before progressing to a unit about core Muslim Beliefs. Finally, they will complete a unit on Crime and Punishment through Islam.

  • Christian Beliefs
  • Marriage and the Family
  • Muslim Beliefs
  • Crime and Punishment

Year 10 – students will begin with a unit about Christian practices entitled Living the Christian Life. They will then study issues such as abortion, evolution and the environment in Matters of Life and Death (linked to Christianity). Their third unit covers Islamic practices (Living the Muslim Life). Finally, they will complete a unit on Peace and Conflict through Islam.

  • Living the Christian Life
  • Matters of Life and Death
  • Living the Muslim Life
  • Peace and Conflict

Year 11 – Students will revisit content covered in Years 9 and 10, with a specific focus on units affected by school closures during the pandemic. They will begin with an in-depth recap on all Year 9 units in the following order: Muslim Beliefs, Crime and Punishment, Christian Beliefs and Marriage and the Family. The remaining units from Year 10 will form the basis of revision lessons in preparation for summer exams.

  • Muslim Beliefs (recap)
  • Crime and Punishment (recap)
  • Christian Beliefs (recap)
  • Marriage and the Family (recap)

What are the major assessments this year?

These will be held at the end of each term and will be a summative assessment on the previous unit covered. Keyword tests will precede each end of unit assessment in order to help student diagnose literacy needs.

What do assessments test?

Keyword tests will assess spelling and knowledge of key vocabulary. Formal summative assessments will include a selection of practice GCSE questions in order to replicate the exam experience, meaning that students will be used to the demands and expectation of the course. The practice questions test a variety of skills such as description, explanation, use of evidence and evaluation.

What are the expectations of my daughter in PRE?

Students are expected to engage in subject specific dialogue. The school has a ‘no hands up’ policy and this applies in PRE; all students are expected to contribute at some stage. Students also need to be self-motivated to learn key vocabulary outside of lessons and to review their own learning at regular intervals via the workbooks. Workbooks also include practice exam questions and retrieval worksheets; some of these will be covered in lessons, but it is highly recommended that students make the effort to complete any outstanding work outside of lessons.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in PRE?

The most important thing is to keep an open dialogue with your teacher – they will be able to help and are available in person or via email. The workbooks are comprehensive and contain knowledge organisers that provide additional support. Each lesson is self-contained and can therefore be completed even in the absence of a teacher.

How can I best support my daughter in PRE?

Please engage your child in discussion about the lessons. Have a look through each booklet yourself and discuss the philosophical and moral issues that arise in each one. Testing them on keyword meanings at regular intervals is invaluable (glossaries are in the front of each workbook). Encourage your child to keep up to date with current affairs on the various topics that are studied. The school will supply some important revision resources, including a revision guide and revision workbook, both approved by the exam board (Edexcel). Please remind your child to use these regularly, especially in advance of assessments.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

Miss Pearson, Head of Department: