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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Psychology A Level KS5

What will students study in Psychology this year? 

Year 12

No prior subject knowledge is required. In Unit 1, students will be introduced to the main schools of Psychological thought. Namely, the Psychodynamic, Behavioural, Biological, Cognitive and Positive approaches. They will learn the core assumptions of each approach, as well as classical evidence and therapeutic strategies.

Year 13

We will cover key topics, such as Crime, Schizophrenia and Bullying behaviour. Advanced study techniques will also be embedded in this year.

What are the major assessments this year?

Year 12

A range of mock exams will be taken at three points in the year

Year 13

Mock exams that cover Year 1 and 2 of the course will be undertaken

What do assessments test? 

All assessments are directly tied to final exam assessment objectives, such as describing knowledge, evaluating theory and dealing with applied questions.

What are the expectations of my child in Psychology?

All students are expected to actively maximise their potential. This involves reviewing work regularly and taking part fully in lessons.

What should students do if they feel they are struggling in Psychology? 

Students should speak to their class teacher for advice.

How can I best support my child in Psychology?

Ideally help them to set aside an area or space for academic work that is distraction free (and mobile free!).

Whom should I contact for further advice or information? 

Please contact the Curriculum Leader, Mr Gowar: