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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Science KS3

What will students study in science this year?

In Year 7 Students will learn about a range of science topics with opportunities to develop the investigative and practical skills interweaved throughout the course. The topics covered are listed below for reference.

  • Biology- Cells, Body systems, and Reproduction.
  • Chemistry- Particle model, Elements, Types of reactions, Acids and alkalis, and The Earth’s structure.
  • Physics- Universe, Forces, Light, and Sound.

In Year 8 students will build on their knowledge from year 7 and will continue to develop their practical science skills.

  • Biology- Health and lifestyle, Biological processes, Ecosystems and adaptations, and Inheritance.
  • Chemistry- Separating mixtures, The Periodic table, Chemical energy, Metals and non-metals, Climate, and Earth’s resources.
  • Physics- Energy, Electricity and magnetism, and Motion and pressure.

What are the major assessments this year?

Assessments will be done at the end of each term in the form of formal exams, students will be continually quizzed and informally assessed throughout the year including End of Topic Assessments.

What do assessments test?

The assessments will test all the content that has been taught up to that point of the year. These assessments will begin to develop students longer answers and will form very similar exam styles to those seen in the GCSEs.

What are the expectations of my daughter in Science?

We expect our students to complete all class work to a good standard. Homework will be set regularly and we expect all students to complete homework to a good standard and on time. If your child misses a lesson they will be expected to catch up on the work that they have missed.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in Science?

Your child should speak to their teacher in the first instance, they can also discuss their concerns with the relevant head of subject or director of science. There are also numerous online resources that could be useful for your child: Kerboodle (online platform), BBC Bitesize, Oak National Academy and, the CHSG Science YouTube Channel.

How can I best support my daughter in Science?

Encourage your child to explain and expand upon science in everyday life, ask your child to tell you what they have learnt at school each day. Setting up a space and time, where it is possible for your child to do their homework and revision, will also help them to achieve.

There are questions at the start of each lesson in the booklets. You can ask your child these questions throughout the year, this will help them when it comes to the assessments at the end of each term.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

Please contact the class teacher in the first instance or Miss Bahk KS3 Lead on