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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Citizenship KS4

What will students study in Citizenship this year?

Year 9 students who have opted to study Citizenship for GCSE will be studying the Edexcel Citizenship GCSE 1CS0. Students will start with Theme A, Living Together in the UK, which explores community development, identity and democratic values. By the Spring term students will then move on to Study Theme C, Law and justice which covers the purpose of law and how it affects us, the workings of the justice system, and an exploration of crime in society.

In Year 10, students continue with their GCSE with Theme B, Democracy at work in the UK, where students are taught the workings of politics in the UK as well as power sharing, the management of public money and the constitution. Students will also start Theme D, Power and influence, exploring the influence and power that the UK has in the wider world, the role and influence of the media, and the power and influence of citizens.

Year 11 students will finish their GCSE course by completing Theme D, taking citizenship action. Students will use and apply their citizenship knowledge, understanding and skills to take action to try and make a difference, create a benefit or change in society. Following this unit, students will focus on reviewing and refining their knowledge and exam technique in preparation of their summer exam.

What are the major assessments this year? 

Students in year 9 and 10 will sit end of exams in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Students in year 11 will sit their formal exams at the end of year 11. In addition, all students will be regularly assessment in class using a variety of methods.

What do assessments test?

Students will be tested on their subject knowledge for Citizenship, as well as their ability to apply knowledge and evaluate the issues in areas such as politics, law, crime and community issues.

What are the expectations of my child in Citizenship? 

To do well in Citizenship, students need to be willing to work hard and open to ideas and opinions other than their own. Citizenship is a subject which encourages discussion and opinions therefore students need to be able to argue a point of view coherently and engage with the current news, as issues relevant to Citizenship are constantly evolving and changing.

What should my child do if she feels she is struggling in Citizenship?

In the first instance, students should speak to the class teacher. They should try to identify specific areas of the subject which they are finding a challenge so that we can offer targeted support.

How can I best support my child in Citizenship?

Citizenship issues are constantly evolving, and it is important that students keep up with what is happening by accessing the news - encourage your child to keep up to date with current affairs and discuss what is happening. Students will be required to complete work at home, and they will need a quiet place to work free from distractions.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

Feel free to contact Ms Lagess, Head of Department, at