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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Geography KS4

What will students study in Geography this year?

In Year 10, students will be starting the AQA GCSE course looking at Paper 1, Living with the Physical Environment topics. They will start by reviewing Coastal and River landscapes as part of Physical Landscapes of the UK. This first unit looks at key processes, features, changes over time, and management. In the Autumn Term students will carry out a physical fieldwork investigation by visiting either a local river or the South coast to carry out fieldwork which will form the basis of an examination question in their Paper 3, Geographical Applications exam. Your daughter will then look at The Challenge of Natural Hazards which is divided into tectonic hazards, weather hazards (including UK extreme weather), and climate change evidence, causes, effects, mitigation and adaptation. Map and numerical skills are revisited often throughout Year 10.

Students will complete their physical units by investigating The Living World, a unit which explores Ecosystems, Tropical Rainforests and Cold Environments. Opportunities, challenges and sustainable management of these important ecosystems develop their evaluation skills by looking at both sides of an issue and formulating an opinion though the use of evidence and case studies. Your daughter will complete their Year 10 study by investigating Urban Challenges, the first unit of Paper 2, Challenges of the Human Environment. Year 10 culminates in a trip to an urban environment, usually Stratford and the Olympic Park, to carry out a human fieldwork investigation which also forms the basis of an examination question in the Paper 3, Geographical Applications exam.

In Year 11, students will continue with Paper 2, completing the UK part of Urban Challenges before studying The Changing Economic World and The Challenge of Resource Management. They will investigate economic development and in-depth case studies looking at Nigeria and the UK. For resource management, students will investigate global resource management and resources in the UK, before looking in depth at global water challenges and solutions.  Year 11 culminates in studying an examination pre-release booklet, linking the physical and human topics previously studied which will be assessed as part of their Paper 3, Geographical Applications exam.

What are the major assessments this year?

Short pre-unit assessments are set on MSForms to inform teacher planning of each unit’s lessons. Each unit of work will build on knowledge, understanding, evaluation and skills as well as examination question structure. Assessments range from single exam questions, to mini exam paper mid-unit assessments, and culminate in a full unit examination paper End of Unit Assessments. Cumulative End of Term Assessments allow students opportunities to develop and revisit key geographical knowledge, understanding, evaluation and skills.

What do assessments test?

Assessment test the full range of examination assessment objectives: knowledge, understanding, evaluation and skills. There are no separate foundation and higher papers, so the assessments reflect this and assess through the use of variety of multiple choice, short sentence answers and longer paragraph answers.

What are the expectations of my daughter in Geography?

Your daughter will be expected to bring her class workbook, homework workbook and equipment to each lesson. Geography requires a pen, pencil, ruler, protractor, highlighters and a calculator. They will be expected to come to each lesson with an open and questioning mind and to become involved in class discussions. Homework will be submitted on the due date. Wider reading and watching the news and keeping up with current local and global issues is encouraged. Your daughter will have access to the lesson PowerPoints and other resources on SharePoint and the expectation is that they will complete any missed lessons in their own time.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in Geography?

Your daughter should look at the extensive support materials on SharePoint and discuss issues with her Geography teacher.

How can I best support my daughter in Geography?

The best way to support your child is by talking to her about what she is studying in Geography and about how she is getting on.  Students should be encouraged to complete homework in a timely fashion and revise thoroughly for all tests, as these form a major part of your daughter’s current performance. Additional support is available on SharePoint, and you should encourage her to look at what is available.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information? Please feel free to contact the class teacher or the Head of Geography on if you have any queries about your child’s progress.

Term Year 10 Year 11


UK Physical Landscapes: Coasts

UK Physical Landscapes: River Management

Fieldwork: Coastal Management

Urban Challenges: Sustainable Development

The Changing Economic World: Development & Reducing Gap


The Challenge of Natural Hazards: Tectonic Hazards

The Changing Economic World: Economic Development in Nigeria; Economic Change in UK


The Challenge of Natural Hazards: Weather Hazards

Tropical Storms & UK Extreme Weather & Climate Change

The Challenge of Resource Management: Global and UK


The Living World: Ecosystems

The Living World: Tropical Rainforests

The Challenge of Resource Management: Water



The Living World: Cold Environments

Urban Challenges: Urban Change & Nigeria

Focused teacher led revision using past paper and exemplars


Urban Challenges: UK

Fieldwork: Urban Regeneration
