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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Hospitality and Catering KS4

What will students study in Hospitality and Catering this year?

The food and drink industry covers the growing and producing of food from ‘farm to fork’ or gate to plate’ through to the manufacturing, processing and retail of food. Throughout the course students will explore range the of careers available to them in the Hospitality and Catering industry

Year 9

Students will learn about the importance of healthy diets and the importance of nutrition alongside developing a range of practical skills. Taking part in the Tunnock’s Teacake Challenge will support students design skills in presenting their food to restaurant standards, food photography and IT skills. 

Students will gain an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Front of House and Kitchen brigades and factors that affect a business.

Year 10

Students will undertake a preparatory food project that covers subjects that include the design, classification, properties of food, product development, commercial production, health and safety, the use of equipment and utensils and the modelling and importance of packaging. Students may visit Borough Market, to sample first-hand the sustainable provenance of food and discuss product development with the stall holders. Where possible students could have the opportunity to cater for and serve food at an in-school event. This prepares them for their Year 11 Controlled Assessment task where students research, design and model innovative, food prototypes in line with the theme set by the exam board. 

Students are entered for the written exam in the summer exam session [worth 40% of the overall grade

Year 11

Students will develop their technical skills and ensure that they are able to create dishes using medium to high skill levels.  Students will develop a range of prototypes dishes suitable for the theme set by the exam board.  This is presented as an A4 portfolio showing design development with photographs of testing and trialling and evidence of the final product as well as information regarding the nutritional content and suitability of the dishes chosen

Year 11 have been issued with an online recipe book demonstrating different skill levels.

What are the major assessments this year?

Each half-term students will complete a mini assessment. Students will set their own targets based on peer and teacher feedback, improving on these in the next project. Students will also be assessed on their practical technical ability and should demonstrate progression and resilience within their work.

What do assessments test?

Assessments are designed to assess knowledge and understanding of the subjects taught.  Students will also be assessed on their practical skills using the exam board criteria.  The Learning objectives for this course are:

  • LO1 Understand the environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate
  • LO2 Understand how hospitality and catering provisions operate
  • LO3 Understand how hospitality and catering provision meets health and safety requirements
  • LO4 Know how food can cause ill health
  • LO5 Be able to propose a hospitality and catering provision to meet specific requirements

What are the expectations of in Hospitality and Catering?

We expect that students follow all instructions given including health and safety rules.  A variety of homework will be set, including practical work.  All deadlines must be met and students must be well prepared for each lesson. Students taking this will be expected to provide their own ingredients for each of their practical lessons.  If there is a reason for not being able to provide ingredients for practical lessons, please inform the subject teacher.  If a student has any problems with their work they must speak to their subject teacher at least the day before their lesson. 

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in Hospitality and Catering?

In the first instance, they should speak to her subject teacher who will help to identify specific areas for improvement in the subject with targeted support.

How can I best support my daughter in Hospitality and Catering?

The best way to provide general support is by discussing their work in the subject and how things are going.  Please encourage students to prepare and cook a range of food and recipes at home.  When eating out, make a note of the menu, the way the food is served, the environment and they type of service offered.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

Please contact the Head of Design and Technology, Mrs Pearce, with as much detailed information as possible