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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Criminology BTEC KS5

Level 3 Diploma in Criminology 

What will students study in Criminology this year?

Criminology students study four units across the course. Unit 1 and 2 are completed in Year 12 and Unit 3 and 4 are completed in Year 13.

Unit 1 focuses on a changing awareness of crime, where learners are expected to plan a campaign for change relating to crime. Students study a variety of methods used by agencies to raise awareness of crime so it can be tackled effectively.

Unit 2 requires learners to apply their understanding of the public perceptions of crime and campaigns for change studied in Unit 1 with criminological theories to examine how both are used to set social policy.

Unit 3 develops the understanding and skills needed to examine information in order to review the justice of verdicts in criminal cases.

Lastly, Unit 4 focuses on the criminal justice system in England and Wales and how it operates to achieve social control. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of the process of social control in delivering policy in different contexts.

What are the major assessments this year?

Students will complete a controlled internal assessment in Year 12, worth one quarter of their final grade. Students will also take an external examination in the summer of their first year. Year 13 students follow the same structure, taking one internal assessment and one external examination in their final year of the course.

What do the assessments test?

Students are provided with assessment criteria for each unit.  The internal controlled assessments test the students’ ability to meet each assessment criteria in relation to a brief.

The external examinations include short and extended answer questions based around three scenarios. These questions are also based around specific assessment criteria and require students to describe, analyse and evaluate criminological theories and methods of social control.

What are the expectations of my child in Criminology?

Students will be set regular practice of tasks to develop their written technique and prepare them for their controlled internal assessment. As students are able to bring in notes to this assessment, it is crucial that they keep complete and well organised notes. Students need to meet deadlines and use free periods to engage in further reading material.

What should students do if they feel they are struggling in Criminology?

The first course of action is for students to speak with their Criminology teacher to determine why they are struggling. Students should make use of revision materials provided, such as knowledge organisers and key case study summaries.

How can I best support my child in Criminology?

Parents can support students in Criminology by talking to them about the topics they are studying and what they are learning in class. It is really useful if parents encourage debate and discussion of contemporary social issues relating to crime.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information?

Please feel free to contact the Curriculum leader for Criminology, Miss N Winders at  if you have any queries about your child’s progress.