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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Food & Nutrition KS3

What will students study in Food this year?

Year 7

In Year 7 students either study Food Preparation and Nutrition or Design and Technology.  Students will study the alternative subject in Year 8.

In Food students are introduced to Government dietary requirements, how food is grown and processed and diet related health issues as well as developing their practical skills to produce healthier adaptations of recipes including apple crumble, noodle soup, and a bread project.  Students will develop their technical skills through the cooking of a range of mainly savoury dishes.

Students will analyse the nutritional content of certain dishes and should be able to explain how to substitute ingredients to meet different dietary needs. Students will take part in discussions about the impact of health and unhealthy diets upon individuals, society and the environment, and the responsibilities of the food industry.  During the course students will gain an understanding of sustainability, food provenance and its importance.

Throughout the course students will explore range the of careers available to them in the Food Production and Hospitality and Catering industries.

Year 8

What will students study in Food this year?

During the 2021/22 school year, Year 8 students will study Food Preparation and Nutrition and Design and Technology on a carousel timetable to ensure that they have enough information on which to base their option choices. 

In Food students are introduced to Government dietary requirements, how food is grown and processed and diet related health issues as well as developing their practical skills to produce healthier adaptations of recipes including apple crumble, noodle soup, and a bread project.  Students will develop their technical skills through the cooking of a range of mainly savoury dishes.

Students will analyse the nutritional content of certain dishes and should be able to explain how to substitute ingredients to meet different dietary needs. Students will take part in discussions about the impact of health and unhealthy diets upon individuals, society and the environment, and the responsibilities of the food industry.

During the course students will gain an understanding of sustainability, food provenance and its importance.

Throughout the course students will explore range the of careers available to them in the Food Production and Hospitality and Catering industries.

Years 7 & 8

What are the major assessments this year?

Each half-term students will complete a mini assessment. set their own targets based on peer and teacher feedback, improving on these in the next project. In the Year 7 summer exam students are assessed on the work completed, responding to subject knowledge, design and maths-based questions.

What do assessments test?

Assessments are designed to assess knowledge and understanding of the subjects taught.  Students will also be assessed on their practical skills in the kitchen

What are the expectations of my daughter in Food?

We expect that your daughter follows all instructions given including health and safety rules.  Your daughter must complete all her work on time and remember to bring ingredients and suitable containers to carry her food home in.  If your daughter has any problems with her work she must speak to her subject teacher at least the day before her lesson.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in Food?

In the first instance, she should speak to her subject teacher who will help to identify specific areas for improvement in the subject with targeted support.

How can I best support my daughter in Food?

The best way to provide general support is by discussing their work in the subject and how things are going.  Please encourage your daughter to prepare and cook a range of food and recipes with you at home.  When eating out, make a note of the menu, the way the food is served, the environment and they type of service offered.

Whom should I contact for further advice or information? Please contact the Head of Design and Technology, Mrs Pearce, with as much detailed information as possible.