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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Our School Fund

What is Our School Fund?

Government funding for schools is under significant pressure. Over the past ten years we have seen a considerable reduction in the amount of money we have to invest in the facilities we provide for our students, and our ability to enrich their experience both within and outside of the classroom.

Our School Fund empowers our school community to voluntarily support our extra curricula enrichment programme, and to help improve our facilities further.

Funding future priorities

Moving forward, we are asking for regular voluntary donations to enable this added investment to continue, as well as raise funds to support a number of new projects such as:

  • We would like to establish new enrichment activities including the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, giving students further leadership development opportunities and space to grow their confidence.
  • We are looking to create and maintain additional wellbeing spaces within the school grounds, giving students a calming space and environment.
  • We would like to purchase additional sports kit and equipment for teams representing the school, giving students a sense of community, identity and achievement.
  • We are looking at the outdoor furniture around the school, and want to create a more vibrant environment during lunch and break time for the students to socialise and relax in. This would include higher quality seating in the current old gymnasium, more planting, and a potential hedge round the external fence to give a more welcoming site.
  • We are keen to invest in a new Sixth Form area outside the current Sixth Form block, giving our Year 12 and Year 13 students a higher quality social space.
  • Lastly, we are also keen to invest more in our new school library, expanding the resources on offer to students, and higher quality furniture to enable more effective self-directed study.


How much to donate?

How much you choose to donate is a personal decision and entirely voluntary. Parents/carers often ask us how much we think is reasonable.

Most parents/carers have traditionally donated around £10 per month via direct debit, although some choose to donate more – it’s entirely up to you.

Every pound you give us, no matter the value, helps us deliver exciting and rewarding activities for your children.

How to donate

Donating money to the School Fund couldn’t be easier. There are three different ways depending on your preference.

1. DIRECT DEBIT or DEBIT CARD (easiest for the school)

We have a set up a special online account with trusted provider PayPal, where you are able to set up both regular donations via Direct Debit and make one-off donations to the fund.

Please ensure you use the reference code YEAR / TUTOR GROUP (if known) / FULL NAME OF STUDENT to help us to identify it.



We are also able to receive donations via bank transfer. Please ensure you use the reference code YEAR / TUTOR GROUP (if known) / FULL NAME OF STUDENT to help us to identify it.

Account Number: 40840860
Sort Code: 30-98-36

If you choose to donate this way, we are only able to receive Gift Aid if you complete the form below and return it to the School Office.


For those who prefer to donate via standing order, we’ve attached the forms you’ll need to complete below.

You can return these forms electronically by adding a scanned version of your signature, and then emailing this directly to us:

Or you can print the forms and return them to via the School Office – where we also have hard copies already printed if that’s easier.



As a member of the Girls’ Learning Trust, Carshalton High School for Girls is an exempt charity. Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations by the donor. This means we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 donated, boosting the value of the donation by a quarter.

You can find out more about Gift Aid here: