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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.

A Level Results Day Information

UCAS Track will be updated at about 8.00am and this will show your daughter the status of their university application. Students should make sure they have their login details to hand!

Year 13 results will be available for collection from the Hall (no earlier than 8:30am due to the embargo on results before that time). Members of staff will be on hand to give help and advice to students who do not get the grades they need for either their Firm or Insurance choices.

Students need to come to school with all the necessary contact information (see bullet points 1 and 2 below). They should bring a fully charged phone, in case they have not secured the grades required for their Firm or Insurance choices of university and need to do some research.

Please remember, results can only be handed to a representative of the student if prior written authorisation has been given by the student and submitted to Ms Maybury, our Examinations Officer. Results cannot be given by telephone.

Post Examination Services
Ms Maybury and the Sixth Form Team will be available on the day to offer guidance on any reviews of marking or access to scripts. A student consent form (available on the day) must be submitted with each post-exam service request. Payment will be made on ParentPay.

Service Cost
Script copy £5
Clerical re-check per component £10
Review of marking £50
Priority review of marking £60

The result of any review of marks is final: please be aware that your daughter’s grade could go down.

Therefore, a review should only be considered if her paper is 1 or 2 marks below the higher grade boundary.

Where a review results in a higher grade, you can request a refund from the school, as this will not be charged by the exam board.

Student Preparation for Results Day for those with applications to university
We hope that your daughter secures the grades necessary to be accepted onto their chosen course.

However, it is best to be prepared for any eventuality and so I would request that your daughter does the following at some point between now and Results Day.

  • Look up the contact details of the Admissions Office and the Admissions Tutor for their Firm and Insurance choices. (Bring these details on Results Day.)
  • If your child is worried that they might not have achieved the grades required for either of their choices, then it is worth them spending time, before Results Day, researching courses they might be interested in applying for through Clearing. From 5th July, it will be possible to do a filtered search on the UCAS website for Clearing course vacancies ( It is well worth investing the time before Results Day, as some Clearing opportunities are only open for a brief period (and speed is of the essence in applying through Clearing). It helps, therefore, if your daughter has already done the research and has the numbers ready to phone the appropriate Admissions Offices on the day.
  • Follow the link to advice on the UCAS website about Clearing: 

Further information about Results Day is available here: 
A level results day (

In the meantime, please could you strongly encourage your daughter to regularly check (and action where needed) their emails, in case of communication from the university of their choice. Students could also take
the opportunity to check their Firm/Insurance University websites to research what scholarships/ bursaries might be available, as well as investigate any Facebook/ social groups set up to put students in contact with others heading for the same courses/accommodation. Many universities also offer ‘live-chat’ facilities, in case students have any questions.

A reminder for those who have not applied for university
Opportunities for school leaver programmes, apprenticeships and posts for school leavers are still being advertised. Students should also keep an eye on the Vacancy Snapshot on the Amazing Apprenticeships website for upcoming vacancies, as well as using the government website.

There are a range of podcasts worth exploring on the UCAS website too.

Please do remember too that Mrs Phelps-Gardiner, our Careers Lead, is available should anyone wish to book an appointment for some additional advice.

On Results Day
We would advise all students to come into school for 8:30am – either as a good way of starting to celebrate their success, or to get advice from staff who will be on hand to help support any students who might need

If your daughter is not certain before coming in whether they have had confirmation of a place from either their Firm or Insurance choice, they should ensure they bring with them their UCAS username and password, UCAS ID number, a print-out of both firm and insurance offers and the names and phone numbers of both admissions tutors.

You might like to make a note of the UCAS Exam Results Helpline 0800 100 900 (open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 5pm on Saturdays from Thursday 15th August to Saturday 31st August) where you can speak to a professionally qualified careers adviser for advice on next steps after receiving results, if needed.

It is my sincere hope that your daughter has a very happy results day! However, we shall be on hand should they need any help. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any queries.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs B Norman
Assistant Headteacher