Useful Websites & Contacts
Information, advice, counselling and support:
Care Law | Information for young people in care |
Child Line | Tel: 0800 1111 |
Jigsaw4U | Advocacy for looked after young people: 020 8687 1384 |
Kidscape | Anti bullying |
NSPCC | NSPCC Tel: 0808 800 500 |
Youth Line | 0800 096 1425 |
Drugs and Alcohol
Talk to Frank | Information and advice about drugs |
CAMHS Substance Misuse Worker | Advice for U19s 080 8652 7945 |
Drinkline | Help and advice about alcohol 0800 917 8282 |
NHS Smoking Helpline | 0800 169 0169 |
General Health
Eating Disorders Association | Youth Line 0845 634 7650 |
NHS DIrect | 0845 4647 |
Saneline (Mental Health) | 0845 767 8000 |
St Helier Hospital | 020 8296 2000 |