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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.


Carshalton High School for Girls is a high achieving school.

Praise, encouragement and rewards are central to the ethos of our school. We give rewards for effort and participation to motivate and inspire. There is the opportunity in every lesson for students to be rewarded.

An effective rewards system and the celebration of success are essential to promote an ethos of high standards of excellence. They have a motivational role in helping students to realise that excellent behaviour, self-awareness and responsibility to self and others are valued.

Parents are informed and encouraged to celebrate the effort, participation, behaviour and achievement of their child throughout the year. We celebrate achievements in our Rewards Assemblies at the end of every term. Each term, staff send out recognition letters to individual students who are recognised as Everyday Stars.

Golden Ticket

We recognise excellent learning and attitudes in lessons, and we have a great deal to celebrate!

Staff award Golden Tickets for excellent work, effort or attitude to learning or improvement in class. 

The tickets are rewarded at the end of the lesson and the reward celebrated. These are the equivalent to three House Achievement Points for their House.

Students with the most Golden Tickets in each year group receive a certificate from the Headteacher in the Rewards Assemblies.

Tickets can be kept in the student’s lanyards and celebrated with peers and family!

Rewards are central to our ethos as a school, and it is important to us to recognise and celebrate student success across the school at CHSG. 

Each half-term, Heads of Year hold Rewards Assemblies to celebrate achievement and to build on this.