Easter Holiday Revision Programme
Year 11 - Tuesday 2nd April - Thursday 11th April
We are keen that as many of our Year 11 students as possible get the opportunity to take part in a series of Easter revision classes.
To support this we have organised a programme of classes across a range of subjects and expect to limit the number of students at each session to around 15/18; this will mean that students will get focused help and support. If class sizes go above this then we will try and arrange for additional sessions to take place, if this is not possible places may have to be allocated on a “first come, first serve” basis.
During the 2 week programme, morning sessions will start at 9.30am and run until 12.00pm and the afternoon sessions at 12.30pm to 3.00pm. There will be no canteen facilities on site and students will need to sign in at the start of the day, out at the end of morning sessions and back in for the start of afternoon sessions and finally sign out at the end of the day. (This is for safety and safeguarding reasons). Students should enter the school through the main school entrance (NOT the student entrance). There will not be first aiders on site for all the sessions but there will be a senior member of staff supervising at all times.
The school would prefer not to have to charge for these sessions but in order to cover school expenses we have found it necessary to make the following charges on a sliding scale. Any student who qualifies for free school meals or who is a Looked After Child will get these sessions for a total of £5 regardless of the number attended:
1 session £7
2 sessions £14
3 sessions £21
4 sessions £27
5 sessions £33
6 sessions £38
7 sessions £43
8 or more sessions £48
On this basis a student who attends 16 sessions (the maximum possible) would pay £3 per session.
The students will be provided with revision materials and where relevant we have included details of the topics that will be covered and at what level. (There will be a zero tolerance approach to any disruption and students affecting the learning of others will be asked to leave). There will be maintenance work taking place in school over the holiday and due to the importance of safeguarding students need to remain in classrooms with staff and not wander unsupervised around the school.
We hope that many of the students will sign up for these sessions. Please complete the booking form and return it to the Finance Office in an envelope clearly marked with the student's name, tutor group, the amount enclosed (stating cheque/cash) and Easter Revision Classes 2013, together with a copy of the revision schedule highlighting the sessions the student is attending, with the full/exact payment (no change can be given) by Thursday 21st March. Only those who have returned the form by this date will have places allocated as we will be unable to admit students on the day. Students will be issued with an orange letter confirming the revision sessions they are booked on; students will need to bring that letter in every day in order to get in to school.
Mr N Hill, Acting Deputy Headteacher
Year 10 - Tuesday 2nd April - Tuesday 9th April
We are keen that as many of our Year 10 Religious Studies students as possible have the opportunity to take part in revision sessions. To support the RS (Full Course) the following revision sessions will take place during the Easter holidays:
Tues 2nd April
Unit 8: Religion & Society A/A* (IA)
9.30 – 12.00
Wed 3rd April
Religion & Society securing a C grade (IA)
9.30 – 12.00
Mon 8th April
Religion & Life A/A* - Papers 1 & 2 (CE)
9.30 – 12.00
Mon 8th April
Unit 1: Religion & Life securing a C grade – Papers 1 & 2 (CE)
12.30 – 3.00
Tues 9th April
Religion & Life A/A* - Papers 3 & 4 (CE)
9.30 – 12.00
Tues 9th April
Unit 1: Religion & Life securing a C grade – Papers 3 & 4 (CE)
12.30 – 3.00
We hope that many students will sign up for these sessions. Only those who have returned the booking form by Thursday 21st March 2013 will have places allocated as we will be unable to admit students on the day. Please complete the booking form and return it to Mrs Elliott. An orange letter confirming the revision sessions students have booked will be issued to them; students will need to bring this letter in every day in order to get into school.
We hope that students will be able to attend at least one of these sessions in this important run up to the GCSE exams.
There will be maintenance work taking place in school over the holiday and due to the importance of safeguarding students need to remain in classrooms with staff and not wander unsupervised around the school. There are no canteen facilities open during the holiday so students should bring in a snack and drink with them as the session will last for two and half hours.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Mrs C Elliott, Curriculum Leader RS