Pupil Premium
Equality of Opportunity
Carshalton High School for Girls is an inclusive learning community in which all its students are given opportunities to learn and succeed within a safe, well ordered environment. High expectation and aspiration are integral parts of our ethos and we are totally committed to do the best for all our students. There is a culture of staff going the extra distance for students and a real drive and determination to ensure that all our students reach their full potential and achieve outcomes that are at least in line with, if not exceed, those of their peers nationally.
What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is a type of funding. The school receives the Pupil Premium each academic year from the government; the amount being determined by the number of students receiving Free School Meals (FSM) currently or within the last six years (Ever6), and the number of looked after children (LAC) within the school. The government provides this funding to ensure that students who receive Free School Meals or who are looked after achieve as highly as possible and in line nationally with their Non-Free School Meal peers.
Click below for the CHSG Pupil Premium Statement 2017-2018