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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year 11 Pink T-Shirts

As part of our motivational programme we incentivise students to study hard, give their finest in lessons, commit to after school sessions and complete homework to the best of their ability and in return we off all the chance to receive a pink polo shirt that can be worn with their uniform instead of their blue school shirt.

At the end of the Autumn Term we awarded 40 polo shirts to the top performers in the mock examinations and we heartily congratulate all of those students. 

During the first half of the Spring Term we will be issuing polo shirts based on the effort students put into their academic studies and teachers will be asked to nominate students via an ‘effort slip’ to any students in their class who demonstrate excellent effort and going that extra mile.  We will then award the polo shirts on 11th February.

For those students who have already received a polo shirt we ask our community to congratulate them and to remind them not to take their foot off the gas just yet but to keep striving to reach their best potential, the biggest reward is the academic success at the end of the year.

For those students who have not yet received a polo shirt in the last round we continue to encourage them to work hard, make changes to their revision plan, put in a maximum amount of effort and speak to their teachers to ensure success this time round.  This is open to and achievable by all students.