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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.

Behaviour for Learning

Carshalton High School for Girls has high expectations of all students. 

Behaviour is everyone’s responsibility. To ensure students make good progress, we must have a calm and purposeful learning environment.

As part of our work on one of our whole school priorities this year, which is to further develop our school community, we have been reviewing our behaviour policy and will be making some small amendments. 

Academic Re-integration Centre (ARC)
As you know, we believe that everyone has the right to access their education without disruption, and we have the highest of expectations for your child, both academically and in terms of their behaviour and attitudes.  We also believe that the best place for children to be is in their lessons, with their teachers.  Based on these principles and taking into account parent voice, we have reviewed the amount of time some students are spending away from lessons in the ARC following poor behaviour and decided that our standard withdrawal period for a single Level 2 incident will now be three lessons rather than five (though, of course, more serious incidents may incur further sanction).  Students who are removed from lessons will spend the rest of the lesson in the ARC followed by an additional two periods, and will then return to lessons.  We are confident that this will mean we can minimise disruption in the classroom, whilst maximising everyone's opportunity to learn and engage with all that is on offer at CHSG.

Behaviour escalation
We have also reviewed our behaviour escalation policy to ensure it is fully transparent to parents, carers and students.  Each half-term, a behaviour panel consisting of senior staff, including the SENCO, will meet to review behaviour records of all students, taking into account their needs and circumstances. For the vast majority of our students, we will have no concerns.  However, where we have seen a large number of low-level incidents (Level 1 incidents, which result in detention) or one or more serious incidents (Level 2 - ARC or Level 3 - Suspension), students are likely to move up a stage.   If any student reaches level 4, that would mean that there have been persistent breaches of the school code of conduct and the student would lose their place at CHSG.  Permanent Exclusion is always a last resort, and we always put a range of support in place to avoid it, but it is important that everyone is clear that this ultimate sanction may be used at the headteacher's discretion.  We will communicate any decisions made by the panel to families following the panel meeting, and we encourage families to work closely with Heads of Year to ensure behaviour improves before the next panel.